So sorry for your loss, Vitaliy. May the memory of your father be blessed, זכרונו לברכה

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Thank you for sharing a bit of Naum with the world Vitaliy. I can feel your affection and love for this man and what a genuine warmth it brought to my soul just from reading about his life.

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Dear Vitaly,

Heartfelt thank you for sharing this beautiful life story. Namastê! The best of me pays respect and tribute to you and your family. Francois

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Vitaliy I am so sorry to hear about your father. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. This is truly an amazing tribute to a very special person.

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Vitaliy: Condolences to you and each member of your family for your loss. What a wonderful, moving, and loving tribute to your father. Your words bring his character, kindness and impact alive. You—and anyone else who was touched by him--certainly were blessed to have him in your life.

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Sorry about the loss of your father. He was a wonderful person. Thanks for sharing this.

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My deepest condolences. That’s a wonderful obit for your father, I never met him (but enjoy his paintings) and only know you through your online writing, but he inspires me to be a better teacher, father and man. Thank you.

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First, my sincere condolences on the recent passing of your father. The empowerment of strong family ties and the tradition of continuity and purpose, provide significant meaning to life. Thank you for sharing your videos and candid comments of your own experiences. Shalom aleichem

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Vitaliy - so sorry about your loss. Magnificent tribute. When I watched the video, the date of your father's birth struck me. To be born in Soviet Russia in 1933 was a kind of hell. It made me wonder - what do you know of Naum's parents? They had to be special people to impart their personalities onto your father, and now farther downstream. Be well.

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My condolences. Like so many others, I've enjoyed reading about your father over the years as well as viewing his artwork.

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A lovely tribute. You are your father's son, and your life and that of your children will be his blessing for us all.

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Thank you for sharing with us, Vitaliy. This was a heartfelt tribute, his legacy of kindness and wisdom will continue to inspire and touch the lives of many.

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I love his art! With such a personality as he had. The beauty of his human traits are expressed in his paintings. I saw that the first time I saw one of his works of art. We all die and such a great memory to last forever in our own travels on this planet. Thanks for sharing.

R/ John Valente

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I am sorry to hear of your father's passing. I have loved and saved each image of his work , as received in your newsletters. I will share his story, and am grateful to have it.

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Outstanding. I felt privileged to have read it. Thank you.

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May his memory be a blessing

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