Very well said. Thank you. I too was thinking of the George Floyd incident. One man is killed and the World is up in arms, perhaps as it should be. But 1400 Jews are killed. Eh, nothing to see here, keep moving on. No big deal. Smdh.

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I am only surprised that you are surprised by all this!

We are being played, you didn’t realize within a day or so that blm was a big con?

All this virtue signaling idiocy is a power grab, it is all about power!

These people (mostly woman, why is that?) marching are Lenin’s useful idiots for our time.

There is great evil in our world and always has been,the ancients knew it, we seem to forgotten it at our peril!

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We forget the initial autopsy on Floyd showed no signs of trauma to trachea or lungs but he had ingested what is considered a lethal dose of fentanyl for most individuals. Floyd was used by BLM to shakedown 10s of millions of dollars by the BLM leadership.

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Thank you for affirming my point, eventually the truth will be heard.

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Hi, i am a regular reader of your columns and find you to be very logical and meticulous in your thinking. i also enjoy your writing on music . As an indian hindu, i am also no great friend of muslims so you can take it that i am at best neutral if not on the side of Israel . I was initially dismayed at the barbaric attack on israel but within days my sympathy turned as i saw that the palestines were denied even basic facilities like water. the bombardment where 1000's of palestine children have been killed and labelled as just collateral damage is not forgivable. I am completely sympathetic to the Jews for the atrocities you have suffered during world war 2 and even throughout history. However, your people should be careful as you are now appearing as oppressors even in the eyes of people who would have ordinarily supported you.

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But You ignore the fact that the Israelis have tried and failed many, many Times to seek Peace with the Palestinians yet the Palestinians reject every attempt...So, what Remedy do You propose for Peace?

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The global elite tried to instigate a race war, it failed. Now in the Middle East, and other countries, it’s an attempt to start a religious war.

With our open southern border, how many terrorist cells have entered our country? Purchase that gun, take shooting lessons and protect yourself and family.

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Vitaliy, the lesson of history is that a population that is unarmed is subject to the whims of the government and while initially, that government may be benign, the nature of governments is to trend toward tyranny, or at least autarky. As Lee indicated, buy the gun and learn how to use it. Be a strong advocate for the 2nd amendment as it is what keeps the wolves in this country outside the doors.

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Excellent post Andy, as you indicated, there is proof of government tyranny against its unarmed citizens! Be well👍

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Nov 10, 2023·edited Nov 10, 2023

get a gun. get multiple guns. learn how to use them. you cannot count on anyone other than yourselves for protection. that is the lesson of history.

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I only hope that those anti bullet vests would arrive to Gazan people suffering IDF’s atrocities. Trying to justify today’s crimes based on crimes suffered in WWII only shows willingness to exploit jew’s victimisations towards... 50 years more? 100 years more? All the eternity? Please...

All my solidarity to those civilians suffering the violence from both sides. Keep strong Palestine!!!

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“Victimization”? You cannot be serious! The Arabs have tried to wipe out Israel several times since 1948, and it is the stated goal of Hamas NOW!

Perhaps you should consider the responsibility of Hamas in slaughtering 1,400 Israelis, and what reaction such a provocation would produce--which of course Hamas knew very well.

Hamas does not care about Palestinians--the more that are killed, the better, if it inflames world opinion against Israel.

The only thing the terrorists respect is pure military power. Israel must grind Hamas into powder. If Hezbollah enters the war as a result, the U.S. should bomb them into oblivion. The rest of the Arab world will make outraged noises, but secretly be satisfied that the maniacs have been dealt with.

This is a war against barbarism, and for the continued survival of a Jewish homeland.

God bless Israel and the Jewish people.

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And Israel have actually wiped out Palestinian people and territory since 1947. In the first place the UN should have never ever taken out 55% of the territory of Palestina to give it to the Jewish people. What kind of blessing do these people got to do such a terrible thing and be OK with it?? Why the US or the UK didn’t make them place in their own territory? The arrogance and irresponsibility to do this is just gigantic as time has proven.

And I’m all about the destruction of any terrorist organization and the right of Israel to defend themselves against any threat but not at any cost or any form. Killing 4200 children in a month and flattening and entire city full of civilians living in the most absolute misery cannot be justified. Let’s show the respect for human life that terrorist organizations don’t have.

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thank You again for Your thoughtful insight ...

any organization that espouses separate but equal is ok, hasn’t learned from history..

I understand that this is more complicated than this takeaway but if the beginning is “separate but equal”... the outcome won’t end well ..

we as humans have been impaired by our lack of ability to learn from our past ...

if by some miraculous circumstances we acquire this skill quickly we may be able to arrive at a solution ...

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Hard to arrive at a Solution when One Side doesn't want Peace and will never acquiesce to Peace!!!

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I am with you on this. Was born in what was then Soviet Union and even though it was dissolved when I was a child the discrimination against Jews was still prevalent. I was personally discriminated by teachers for being a Jew, name calling, and other forms. One of the teachers would not give me good grades while I was one of the best students in my class basically forcing me to be the worst. I was just a child and had no idea at the time why some of them were that mean, I realize that later in life. I am as you, shocked and disgusted by the support that a barbarian terrorist organization has received from supposed equity and inclusion fighters in hour society while Israel is portrait as an oppressor. The reaction of intellectual elite at Universities, and the young kids that are apparently no long have any conception of critical think or humanity in them despite all that DEI nonsense that they have to learn. It scares me to think that the best Universities in the World have managed to raise a whole generation of evil and ignorant racist.

Anybody who truly want Palestinian people to live better lives should want Hamas to be gone, since they are the once that kept them in poverty and misery and finally brought a horrible war on them, at least that would be what a civilized critical thinking person should understand, however as we can see it is way beyond that, and most of them don't care about Palestinian people, it is just an excuse to come out of the closet and freely displace their hate of the Jews.

Also, as you, I can't believe that I am living at the time when I have to think of whether I can or can't disclose my Jewish nationality living in what used to be a civilized Western World.

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To be fair, the Biden-⁠Harris Administration Released the First-Ever U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism on May 25th and they have been highly supportive of Israel.

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It seems clear that the purpose of the horrendous attack on Israel by Hamas was to provoke a military response and then to use the death toll from the Israeli invasion to garner victim status and sympathy for the innocent citizens of Gaza killed. The larger the response, the more effective the original attack. The slaughter of Israelis was designed to result in a much larger number of the people of Gaza being killed and "the blame" for the deaths shifting from Hamas to Israel. It's been highly effective so far. It is not that much diferent from 911 and it's aftermath, though thus far Israel has been much quicker though more restrained in their response. No nation can tolerate this type of attack without responding in kind and at bottom everyone understands that. Hamas was counting on it. There is no good solution to dealing with a leadership that is willing to sacrifice it's own children other than to remove the leadership. Hamas is aware of that as well...No good outcome here in the near term.

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I thought your last letter was good, this one better. I’ve been trying to “think through’ this for years, I’m still working on it. Sad.

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“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?”

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First let me say I believe the Jewish community and Palestinians both deserve to live in harmony and peace. However, it appears to me that the latest conflict in Israel and Gasa has polarized the discussion. Rather than saying who is right and who is wrong, how can a conversation evolve to improve the lives of both constituents? There appears to be blame targeted at both parties. I doubt the blame game will produce a peaceful solution. If no constructive conversations are to be had, then welcome to the world of the Hatfield and McCoys.

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This is part of Neal Howe's Fourth Turning. My hope is that Cooler Heads prevail but I'm not holding out much hope for the Palestinian Side. Like Golda Meir said: "Palestinians will know Peace when They learn to love Their Sons more than They hate Us..." Given Human Nature, I have my doubts. Sad. Really, really Sad...

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Your article was moving for me. This war is complicated and profoundly confusing. I am not as sophisticated or as knowledgeable as some of your other "commenters" but I did not notice any comments that refer to Israel's current leader named Benjamin Netanyahu. In my humble opinion, I feel that many so-called anti-Israel demonstrations you see written about in the press are likely aimed at Netanyahu more than Israel as a nation. Netanyahu appears to be a fascist who does not care about civilians. (He reminds me of Trump). Most people I know are pro-Israel and anti-Netanyahu, anti-Hamas, sympathetic to Palestinian civilians living in Gaza amongst Hamas. It is (to me) similar to living in the south USA with KKK living next door and there is nothing you can do about it. Terrorists seem to me to be narcissists who want power at any costs. (You are welcome to disagree with me). I have witnessed an increase in anti-Semitism in my city and I am shocked and horrified by it. But I am shocked by all hatred based on religion, race, sexual orientation, etc. Hatred always results in more hatred. I don't think you should buy a gun but I understand your fear and understand your desire to feel safe. Will a gun provide that? (I doubt it). I feel that the preservation of Democracy (even if it seems impossible with the way things are happening) is our only hope for our children's future. I hope that I am not wrong. Keep up the excellent writing and dialogue. It makes us all think.

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

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