You're a prolific writer, and I am inspired. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and opinions, some of which I strongly agree with.
You are right, we need to get out of our own echo chamber and listen to different opinions. This is precisely why I continue to read your writings.
I've noticed that none of the comments seem to appear, and I don't want mine to vanish into ether. That's why I've chosen to openly post it on my blog.
Wokeness is inherently atheistic, and it views the root of Judaism and Christianity as the core perpetrator of marginalizing others. Those who have fallen into wokeness have simply bowed their knee to the golden statue.
Hello, dear Vitaliy,
You're a prolific writer, and I am inspired. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and opinions, some of which I strongly agree with.
You are right, we need to get out of our own echo chamber and listen to different opinions. This is precisely why I continue to read your writings.
I've noticed that none of the comments seem to appear, and I don't want mine to vanish into ether. That's why I've chosen to openly post it on my blog.
Best regards
Well said
Thank you for reading and commenting.
Wokeness is inherently atheistic, and it views the root of Judaism and Christianity as the core perpetrator of marginalizing others. Those who have fallen into wokeness have simply bowed their knee to the golden statue.
Commedable essay, sir. Might I add "crushing national debt" to your list?