In January 2023, my daughter Hannah and I went on a ten-day trip to India. Our final destination was Mumbai, where I spoke at the CFA Society of India's annual conference. I discussed my thoughts on India, sideways markets, idiocy of efficient markets theory, the importance of having the right clients, the impact of interest rates on the economy and the housing market, how we analyze companies and a lot more.
You can watch it here.
After the trip, I wrote a very lengthy essay about our experience in this amazing country (you can read it here).
Vitaliy Katsenelson is the CEO at IMA, a value investing firm in Denver. He has written two books on investing, which were published by John Wiley & Sons and have been translated into eight languages. Soul in the Game: The Art of a Meaningful Life (Harriman House, 2022) is his first non-investing book. You can get unpublished bonus chapters by forwarding your purchase receipt to
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