Free Value Investing Curriculum for College Students
An announcement that should be of interest if you are a college student with a passion for value investing.
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I’ve been very fortunate to mature as an investor in a value investing community that is full of selfless folks who shared their wisdom with me. I’ve tried to give back by giving talks on investing to college students in Denver every year, but the COVID-19 lockdown stopped all of that, possibly for a while.
The obvious solution was to do the same thing online. So last May, I did a Q&A video call with students from around the world. I enjoyed this new format so much that I’m planning to repeat it every quarter (more on that in a sec).
But in the process of deliberating on how to help college students, I stumbled into another brilliantly lazy idea. I’ve already written a lot about value investing – all I had to do was to organize and compile my best content and voila! A practical guide to value investing for college students, written by yours truly.
So we went ahead and did just that. If you’re a college student (or just want to learn about value investing), you can sign up here and start learning right away:
If you are a teacher feel free to forward it to your class. Or if you’re a parent feel free to forward this to your kids and grandkids.
If you’re a veteran reader of this newsletter, most of the content won’t be new for you, but there are still a few things that you might not have seen (in particular, a chapter from my book, The Little Book of Sideways Markets).
And there’s one final bit: A few times a year we’ll hold a video call where I’ll answer students’ questions. All college students are invited, but they need to be signed up at the link above to receive an invitation.
Vitaliy Katsenelson is the CEO at IMA, a value investing firm in Denver. He has written two books on investing, which were published by John Wiley & Sons and have been translated into eight languages. Soul in the Game: The Art of a Meaningful Life (Harriman House, 2022) is his first non-investing book. You can get unpublished bonus chapters by forwarding your purchase receipt to
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